Sunday, May 20, 2007

noodle doodle, chicken poo.

En händelserik kväll kräver en händelserik msn-konversation. Kl är 01.58, min bror loggar in.

Reverend Moe says:
word up junkie
radiant, glorious, the greatest, the best. says:
moefoe in da hood
Reverend Moe says:
nigga fuck you
radiant, glorious, the greatest, the best. says:
who you callin nigga, you yellow-belly horses ass
radiant, glorious, the greatest, the best. says:
eller nåt
radiant, glorious, the greatest, the best. says:
Reverend Moe says:
chatting with you. having a bud...minus the bud unfortunately. supchu?
radiant, glorious, the greatest, the best. says:
same, same..just downloaded lost, about to hijack dads computer and head for the sack (yes, sack)
Reverend Moe says:
hehe, sack... allright then. good luck with that bananabread
radiant, glorious, the greatest, the best. says:
aight, catch you on the flip side
Reverend Moe says:
straight up, nigga!

fan vad jag saknar den killen, märks det?

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